Saturday, June 13, 2009

Washing the table

I came upon these pictures back from March and I had to post them. Bryson had woken up and gotten ready for school before I had gotten up. The night before had been a busy night and the dinner dishes had been left on the table. When I came down to ge breakfast ready Bryson had cleared the table and then had gotten a napkin and gone into the bathroom to get it wet and was wiping off the table. This wasn't his daily job or anything, he just thought of it all on his own. What a great kid!!!


Kristin said...

My goodness!! How awesome is that!?!

The Holyoaks said...

You are one lucky momma!!!!!

Shantel said...

I love that he used a napkin. It must have taken him a while to wipe off a table with that itty bitty thing. What a sweet nephew!!!

karen garner said...

hmmmm - where did he come from?? I think he was supposed to be one of mine . . .