Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Snow Storm

We got 10+ inches of snow Saturday night. We had no church on Sunday and the kids didn't have school on Monday. We enjoyed staying nice and warm in the house. Kevin did venture out to shovel our driveway and it was quite the job. His back has been hurting for days, he says that if we continue with these types of storms, a snow blower will move from the list of wants to the list of needs.

I got the kids snow pants just days before the storm, not they had everything and could enjoy playing in the snow! Their favorite part was sliding down the slide. Kevin even helped them make a ramp at the bottom so they would slide further!


Brett said...

That's awesome. We caught a good piece of the storm as well. Our branch canceled church, but oddly enough our ward didn't so we were able to go there and see people we hadn't seen in a long time... looks like you guys got hit quite a bit worse than we did though.

The snowblower should definitely be a necessity.

Catie said...

That is amazing! Since it's cold here it I wish it would snow, it makes Christmas all the more magical. We miss you all.