Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Sunday we celebrated Passover. This is the second year that Kevin has done this and our family has really enjoyed it. The kids were so excited to get home from church and celebrate passover, Alyssa would tell people that we are "passing over." Kevin made homemade matzah (unleavened bread) that all of us really like.

Washing of the hands

Eating of the bitter herbs (parsley dipped in salt water)
Besides the matzah, the other favorite is the 4 glasses of sparkling grape juice (and they love the game of the hiding of the matzah)


The Mid-Cart Parentals said...

I love this tradition - makes me wish I had kids at home so we could do this, too.

karen garner said...

What an awesome tradition. One of these years we'll have to come your way and do it together. (I did it w/seminary kids once and it was really cool.)