Our first site was the Badlands in South Dakota!
We then went to Mt. Rushmore
Then Yellowstone
We finished that leg of the trip with the Rexburg Temple. I had fun showing the kids where I lived when I went to Ricks College and telling them about some of the fun things I did in Rexburg. The temple was absolutely beautiful!
Great pics-looks like you guys had a lot of fun. Glad you had a river between you and the Buffalo this time.
Wow! You are amazing. I can't even begin to think of making that drive. And you did it. AMAZING!
HOw fun!!! Those are the trips your kids will always remember (even though they are young). I am pretty jealous you went to Mt. Rushmore; whenever that place comes up in conversation I feel like I was a little deprived as a child since I never have been. That is probably funny, since I am sure I would have complained if we had gone - but now I want to go so BAD!!!!
Wow- they look so happy! Did they really stay that way for your trip? =)
MEMORIESSSSSSSSSSS ~~~ I love those 3 precious angels more than they will ever ever know . . . cute pics
I was missing the kids so I thought I"d come to the blog and remember how precious and cute they are!!!! can't wait to see you in a month
You have a gorgeous family. We hope all is well with you. I can't believe how fast they are growing. Keep up the great work.
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